Biological ages of various organs and systems across different individuals have been discovered by a new study.

‘Biological ages of various organs and systems across different individuals have been discovered by a new study.

“Our study used approaches that can help improve our understanding of aging and—more importantly—could be used some day in real healthcare practice. We used biomarkers that could be identified from blood and stool samples plus some measurements from a routine body checkup,” says co-corresponding author Xun Xu of the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) and China National GeneBank (CNGB) in Shenzhen, China. 

“It’s important to capture the cell-to-cell variation in an aging individual, as this will tell us important information about the heterogeneity within cell types and tissues and provide important insights into aging mechanisms,” says co-corresponding author Claudio Franceschi of Lobachevsky State University in Russia.