
Migraine Facts

What is Migraine?

Migraine is a headache disorder that leads to not only severe pain but also disability. Migraine sufferers have recurrent attacks of life long headaches. The frequency of attacks can be anywhere between once a year and once a week and can last for hours or persist for 2 to 3 days. The warning symptom of migraine is called aura, which arises before the headache begins. It is believed to be caused by the release of �pain-producing inflammatory substances� around the nerves and blood vessels of the brain and this leads to the excruciating headaches (1 Trusted Source

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Key Facts about Migraine

Statistics on Migraine

  1. Migraine�is the second cause of disability among adults of all age groups (2 Trusted Source
    Migraine remains second among the world's causes of disability, and first among young women: findings from GBD2019

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  2. Women sufferers account for 95%% of all people with migraine (3 Trusted Source
    Giving Researchers a Headache - Sex and Gender Differences in Migraine

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  3. Almost 60-70% have a family history of migraine. If one parent suffers from migraine, there is a 50% chance of the child suffering from migraine. If both parents suffer, the chances rise to 75% (4 Trusted Source
    Migraines in Children and Adolescents

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  4. Migraine most often begins at puberty and affects those usually between the ages of 35 and 45 years old (5 Trusted Source
    Headache disorders

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  5. In UK, every day 190,000 migraine attacks are estimated (6 Trusted Source
    What we currently know about migraine

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  6. Because of migraine, 25 million days are lost from work or school and 91% miss work or can�t function normally during migraine attack. It is estimated in a study that $5.6 billion to $17.2 billion is lost in productivity per year because of missed work in the USA alone and the average migraine sufferer misses two days of work per year (7 Trusted Source
    Job Satisfaction Mediates the Association between Perceived Disability and Work Productivity in Migraine Headache Patients

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  7. More than 1 billion people are diagnosed with migraine every year and reports show they had a�tension headache,�sinus headache�or another type of headache (8 Trusted Source
    Migraine: A Review on Its History, Global Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Comorbidities

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  8. Almost 69% of patients seek consultation with a physician at some time seeking treatment for migraine pain (9 Trusted Source
    Integrated care for chronic migraine patients: epidemiology, burden, diagnosis and treatment options

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How Common is Migraine and its Economical Condition?

  1. Depression�is 3 times more common in people with migraine or severe�headaches�than in healthy individuals.
  2. Migraine is the least publicly funded when compared to all�neurological illnesses�relative to its economic condition (10 Trusted Source
    Migraine Research Program

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Last Updated on Jun 16, 2023
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