Predisposing Factors of Osteosarcoma
Osteosarcoma can occur without any underlying cause, due to exposure to carcinogens, or in association with certain bone diseases or genetic disorders.
Osteosarcoma can arise de novo or in the presence of predisposing factors. The various predisposing factors to osteosarcoma are-
1. Radiation exposure
2. After Chemotherapy with alkylating agents.
3. Paget's disease- especially in those patients over the age of 40 years.

4. Preexisting bone lesions like fibrous dysplasia, osteochondromatosis
5. Foreign bodies- Tumours are seen at the site of orthopaedic implants.
6. Traumatic determinism- Trauma does not cause bone tumours but can call attention to an already present bone tumour.
7. Genetic predisposition
- Li Fraumeni Syndrome- usually due to a germline mutation of the TP53 gene
- Hereditary Retinoblastoma- caused by germline mutation of the RB1 gene
- Rothmund Thomas Syndrome
- Werner Syndrome
- Familial Paget Disease.