Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Glossary


Immunocompromise: A state of lowered immunity in the body which may be due to infection or medications or genetic conditions

Lumbar puncture: A method of collecting CerebroSpinal Fluid by inserting a needle into the spine

Stridor: A harsh noise when breathing, caused due to obstruction of the windpipe

Cystoscopy: A test to look inside the urinary bladder using a thin tube fitted with a camera, called a cystoscope

Tuberculid: Hypersensitivity reaction to Tuberculosis in the skin

TB verrucosa cutis: Also called Prosector’s warts, is caused due to direct inoculation of Tuberculosis bacteria in the skin

Sterile pyuria: A finding in the urine wherein there is presence of pus cells but no bacteria

Dactylitis: Involvement of the finger bones by the bacteria

Tachypnea: An increase in the rate of breathing

Hypoxia: A decrease in the oxygen level in the blood
