Medindia » Health Centers » Autism Health Center
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder typically characterized by impaired social and communication skills combined with repetitive movements.
A motion-tracking video game distinguishes autism from ADHD and neurotypical traits with up to 80% accuracy, offering a fast, cost-effective diagnostic tool.
Exploring the intricate link between autism and PTSD: understanding, treating, and preventing the complex interplay.
AI-guided virtual reality simulations of real-life incidents can assist individuals with autism in overcoming social and behavioral communication barriers.
The medial prefrontal cortex plays a key role in emotional recognition and social behavior, shaping interactions.
Learn about childhood epilepsy, its causes, and management strategies, including first aid tips and the role of diet in seizure control.
Discover how multilingualism enhances cognitive abilities and executive function in children with and without autism.
Exploring the link between immunizations and early autism detection: Insights into research, advancements, and the role of vaccines in developmental health.
Are your concepts regarding nutrition correct? Test your IQ on nutrition by taking this quiz.
Acne breakouts affect millions of people worldwide, particularly teenagers. Here’s a quiz on some general facts about acne that you should know.
Use this quiz to test your knowledge about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of autism
It is a myth that the brain quits generating new cells once you reach adulthood. They are regenerating all the time.
Are you gluten intolerant? Stay away from gluten allergy and celiac disease by shifting to gluten-free diet plan that is healthy yet not boring.
Explore L-Carnosine''s potential for autism recovery and more. Research hints at its benefits in addressing ASD symptoms.