
Unhealthy Food Makes It Difficult for Kim Kardashian to Lose Baby Fat

by Bidita Debnath on Jan 31 2015 11:10 PM

The secret behind Kim Kardashian's slow baby fat reduction is because she doesn't have time to cook healthy food.

 Unhealthy Food Makes It Difficult for Kim Kardashian to Lose Baby Fat
The secret behind Kim Kardashian's slow baby fat reduction is because she doesn't have time to cook healthy food.
The American reality star said that she started looking a nutritionist, as she used to eat really bad, but now the star is back on the healthy eating track with right workouts, People Magazine reported.

The American TV personality added that after pregnancy she didn't know what to cook and how to make it healthier, that's the reason she took time to get back her flat tummy.

The 34-year-old actress also gushed about her rapper husband, as he always helps her to decide upon her outfits, and also makes lunch for her sexy wife.

