US astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted a photograph of an orange zinnia, which has flowered on the International Space Station.
The astronauts at International Space Station (ISS) have witnessed a miracle after NASA got outer space's first flower to bloom. US astronaut Scott Kelly tweeted a photograph of an orange zinnia, which has flowered on the ISS. The flower was grown by NASA to help scientists understand how plants and flower grow in microgravity, suggested their blog. The success of the flower's growth suggests that scientists have the potential to grow more plants in space. It could also mean there may be a potential for a human colony on Mars one day and brings NASA closer to a manned mission to the Red planet.
‘The flower was grown by NASA to help scientists understand how plants and flower grow in microgravity. The success of the flower's growth suggests that scientists have the potential to grow more plants in space.’
Kelly posted the images on his Twitter account using the hashtag #Spaceflower, '#SpaceFlower out in the sun for the first time! #YearInSpace'.Source-ANI