Hollywood producer Rudolph Watz was suffering from a slipped disc. He successfully underwent a Microendoscopy Disectomy, whose success rate is almost 100%.

Rudolph flew to India and after several consultations with Dr. Kulkarni, he successfully underwent the Microendoscopy Disectomy, in which an 18 mm incision (almost scarless) and METRX tubes were used unlike the open surgery. According to the health experts, the success rate of this procedure is close to 100%. The advantages of this surgery is early recovery, minimal post-operative pain, minimal blood loss and better cosmesis. The recovery is quite immediate and the patient can start walking on the same day.
Rudolph said, "The pain in me was basically due to the spinal nerves being under pressure from lower lumbar compression. I can say that my experience with Kulkarni’s minimally invasive surgery at Mumbai has been a total success in all respects. The cost involved is one sixth of what it would cost me in London where the minimal invasive technique is actually tough to find. For foreign patients the services from airport pick up and drop to all medical arrangements and costs, made the whole experience simple and quite reliable for me."