- Veganuary challenges people to eat only vegan foods for the entire month of January
- This is done to promote a healthy lifestyle, protect the environment, and end animal farming
- Entering the new year with a fresh mindset could turn a new vegan into a full-time lifestyle
Fight the Climate Crisis by Going Vegan
At present, climate change and the dangers of environmental degradation are hotly debated topics. People are becoming more aware of the necessity to preserve the environment and the existing resource pool for future generations' sustenance.Companies who source these items are pushing people to give up meat to save the environment by lowering their carbon footprint and reducing the harmful impact of the meat industry.
As we embark on the veganuary month in 2023 to spread awareness of the goodness of plant-based products here is an illustration of the potential of plant-based meat as a climate investment.
Why Switching to Plant-Based Meat is the Best Thing You Can do for Earth?
Health Risks of Meat Eating
: Humans began scavenging for meat as it was readily available and a rich source of energy and nutrition. However, with the discovery of agriculture, human beings settled in instead of roaming the forests as hunter-tribes.Unfortunately, many did not adapt as willingly to the change. Most people’s activity pattern is not conducive to adaptation to meat eating. As a result, a diet rich in meat, particularly red meat, may give rise to health problems like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and high blood urea levels. Many of these illnesses can be fatal.
Contribution to Greenhouse Emission
: The meat industry generates approximately 60% of the greenhouse emission from food sources. These emissions trap the earth’s energy and are responsible for global warming (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceFood and Climate Change: Healthy diets for a healthier planet
Go to source).
: The meat industry cleared thousands of acres of forest area globally to accommodate the growing industry need. To make matters worse, breeders usually clear the forested area by setting fires, which contribute to CO2 emissions and, if left uncontrolled, can cause widespread damage.High Amount of Waste Generated
: The waste produced by livestock frequently runs into local water sources and contaminates them. The cattle raised for meat require land for grazing. However, due to intensive grazing, the soil is often left barren, leading to the loss of the fertile top layer to wind and rain. This industry thus also contributes to soil erosion and contamination (2✔ ✔Trusted SourceClimate Impacts of Cultured Meat and Beef Cattle
Go to source).
The adverse impact of eating meat has been well documented. However, despite the gamut of accusations levied against it, giving up meat can be a tall order.
Instead, investing in plant-based meat enables people to make healthier and more sustainable choices without compromising on taste and texture. Various options are available, and this switch is the cheaper option in the long run.
Therefore, start to change the world with a small step- changing how we eat. These efforts may culminate in a healthier body and a happier world.
- Food and Climate Change: Healthy diets for a healthier planet (https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/science/climate-issues/food)
- Climate Impacts of Cultured Meat and Beef Cattle (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsufs.2019.00005/full)