Though type 1 diabetes involves absence of insulin secretion, a new study has revealed that insulin is secreted for more than 10 years in half of them.
- Adult patients that have had type 1 diabetes still produced some insulin for at least ten years.
- Differences in the immune system between patients with full loss of their insulin production and patients that still produced some insulin was observed.
- The reason behind the insulin production might be the increased level of immune cells which has increased over the years and resist any immune attacks.

In a study from Uppsala University more than a hundred type 1 diabetes patients at Uppsala University Hospital has been investigated. Almost half of the adult patients that have had type 1 diabetes for at least ten years still produced some insulin.
The study showed striking differences in the immune system between patients with full loss of their insulin production and patients that still produced some insulin.
Patients with remaining insulin production had much higher levels in blood of interleukin-35, a recently discovered anti inflammatory signal protein of the immune system. They also had much more immune cells that produce interleukin-35 and dampen immune attacks.
It is still not known if the patients had higher levels of interleukin-35 already at debut of disease, or if the levels had increased over the years with ceased immune attack towards the insulin producing cells as result.
The previous study also showed that diabetes development could be prevented, as well as manifest diabetes could be reversed, in animal models for type 1 diabetes by interleukin-35 treatment.
The discovery that almost half of the patients with type 1 diabetes have some remaining insulin production also makes it attractive to let the patients test new treatments that can induce regeneration of their remaining insulin producing cells.
- Daniel Espes et al., Increased Interleukin-35 Levels in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes With Remaining C-Peptide, Diabetes Care (2017)