Acoustic stimulation using pink noise can help older individuals sleep better and thus improve age-related cognitive decline in them.

- Deep sleep is essential for memory consolidation.
- As the individual ages, sleep declines and the risk of memory loss increases.
- Using 'pink noise' stimulation, helps to improve degree of slow wave sleep and thus memory in older individuals.

Deep sleep is critical for memory consolidation.
But beginning in middle age, the pattern of sleep changes and deep sleep declines substantially. This may also contributes to higher risk of cognitive decline including memory loss in older individuals.
The new study used sound stimulation that significantly enhanced deep sleep in older individuals and their scores on a memory test.
"This is an innovative, simple and safe non-medication approach that may help improve brain health," said Phyllis Zee, professor at Northwestern University in the US.
On one night the participants receiver acoustic stimulation and on the other night, they received sham stimulation.
During the sham stimulation the participants did not hear any noise during sleep.
For both sessions, the individuals took a memory test at night before bedtime and again the next morning.
The ability to recall in the morning improved in the sham stimulation group, the average improvement was three times larger after pink-noise stimulation.
The acoustic stimulation helped increase the degree of slow wave during sleep. This helped to improve the degree of memory, suggesting slow wave sleep remains important for memory, even in old age.
Using 'pink noise' could be a feasible intervention for longer-term use in the home.
The study was published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
- Phyllis Zee et al. Acoustic Enhancement of Sleep Slow Oscillations and Concomitant Memory Improvement in Older Adults. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; (year)