The government proposes to make injectable contraceptives available to the public and introduce it in a phased manner to improve family planing measures.

- Under the family planning programme, injectable contraceptives for women have been approved.
- The government proposes to make injectable contraceptives available to the public.
- The injections would be distributed through medical colleges, district hospitals and later to Primary Health Centres.

New interventions had been made by the government in family planning and the current basket of choice had been expanded to include the new contraceptives like injectable contraceptive, centchroman and progesterone Only Pills (POP).
She added that packaging for condoms, OCPs and ECPs had now been improved and redesigned so as to influence the demand for these commodities.
Other interventions included developing a 360 degree media campaign to generate contraceptive demand while the sterilization compensation scheme had been enhanced in 11 high focus states.
She added that the scheme for home delivery of contraceptives by ASHAs workers at doorstep of beneficiaries had been expanded to the entire country.
The proposed legislation would broadly cover aspects including comprehensive legal framework to protect e-health’ data for an individual, ownership of e-health data, legal framework for health data standardization in collection, storage, exchange and others, she said.