
Differently Wired and Gay – Are They Children of a Lesser God?

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Marriages (read heterosexual) are made in heaven, they say. But what about homosexual partnerships? Are they made for each other?

Marriages (read heterosexual) are made in heaven, they say. But what about homosexual partnerships? Are they made for each other? Homosexuality has been on top of the flak-charts for a while, and now it seems like the battle lines are only getting stronger against gay and lesbian relationships.

The U.S. president, during a recent radio address, has pressed support for a national ban on gay marriage. George Bush said 'This national question requires a national solution, and on an issue of such profound importance, that solution should come from the people, not the courts.' A senate meeting is on, to thrash the issue threadbare.

Critics have been quick to label this as an important political agenda, and an opportune time to curry public favor. The rationale behind the ban extols marriage as an age-old sacred institution between a man and woman. Christian groups, keenly supporting the ban, have never minced their words regarding legalization of gay unions – Infact they have always reiterated the impending threat of homosexual relationships to the edifice of marriage. Further, this is also thought to change the way the future generation perceives sex and spirituality.

While looking at the compelling reasons that drive people towards marriage, gay activists have begun to question whether societal dictates and perpetuation of species become the overriding reasons for people to marry. Or is marriage a union of two minds, symbolizing the need for loving, sharing and companionship?

In public reckoning, it is considered immoral to be gay, because it opposes the mandated laws of relationships and marriage. Elaborating on the sentiment that marriage is a fusion of two minds, Gay activists assert that it is gross injustice to encourage marriages based on societal norms alone. Ultimately marriages that betray mutual attraction, might just fall apart, and contribute to higher divorce rates, they aver. And less said the better about children growing in such emotionally-charged environment

Now, scientific data corroborates that children brought up in homes of gay and lesbian couples are as good as those raised in ‘normal’ environs. The homosexuals argue that if children were the reason for rejecting gay and lesbian marriages, what about children who grow in homes of murderers, terrorists, and other evil-doers? Societal rules should not play favorites!

While Christianity, Islam and Orthodox Judaism allow no room for such relationships, certain religions world-over are accommodative of homosexual marriages. Certain Buddhism sects uphold the sentiment that it is wrong to enforce rules on the basis of religion.

Interestingly, the animal kingdom offers a peek into evolutionary behavior, in the realm of seeking partners and companions. Scientific research conducted in about 1500 animal species, indicates that homosexual behavior is evident in nearly 400 of the species. Infact sociobiologists have found this to be very common among animal species that offers little explanation.

As the debate rages on, the deprived can only hope for the light at the end of the tunnel. Ultimately, there is no absolute black or white….there are varying shades of grey inbetween. But, is anybody listening?












