Tonsillectomy - FAQs
9.How many times do you have to get tonsillitis before considering a tonsillectomy?It is not possible to give an exact number of infections needed before a tonsillectomy should be considered because each person is different. However, generally people who have had five or more throat infections in one year could probably undergo a tonsillectomy and benefit.
10.What is a tonsillectomy?
A tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of tonsils, most often due to chronic infection.
11.Whom do I take my child to, who performs the surgery?
You could initially consult your family doctor; he will refer you to a specialist Ear Nose and Throat surgeon (Otolaryngologist).
12. Is the surgery painful?
The patient is kept under a general anesthetic during the surgical procedure so pain is not felt. After surgery there might be mild to moderate pain.
13. How long does the patient have to stay in the hospital following a tonsillectomy?
Tonsillectomies are usually performed on an outpatient basis. The maximum hospital stay is usually 8-10 hours, sometimes an overnight stay. Usually discharged after the effects of anesthesia wear of.
14.Will a tonsillectomy eliminate sore throats?
Surgery will not eliminate throat infections, but will likely decrease the frequency of occurrence.
15.Are tonsillectomies rare?
Surgical removal of the tonsils is one of the most frequently performed procedures of the throat.
16.When will my child be able to return to school?
Children usually return to school after about one week, and vigorous physical activity may be resumed at that time also. However, it depends on individuals and their doctors.