- Know More About Cubital Tunnel Syndrome - (https://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/surgery/ortho/hand/Pages/cubital-tunnel.aspx)
What are the Symptoms and Signs of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?
Symptoms may vary from person to person, but the most common ones are the following:
- Numbness / Tingling / Pins-and-Needles Sensation: These occur in the ring and little finger and are the earliest symptoms and their intensity may fluctuate.
- Loss of Sensation: This occurs in the ring and little finger, especially during bending the elbow, making it difficult to move the fingers.
- Elbow Pain: This occurs due to stretching of the ulnar nerve during flexion.
- Hand Pain / Weakness: Weakening of the grip and loss of dexterity may occur, making it difficult to type or play a musical instrument.
- Hand / Thumb Clumsiness: This occurs due to muscle weakness.
- Muscle Wasting: Muscle wasting in the hand can occur due to severe or prolonged ulnar nerve compression and cannot be reversed.
- Clawing: This is a classic sign in which the last two fingers bend like a claw due to ulnar neuropathy.(4✔ ✔Trusted Source
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