Occupations with Increased Risk to Non Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL)
Zheng T and colleagues found an increased risk of NHL and CLL in individuals engaged in agriculture, forestry, and those working in the logging industries. Those working in industries involving metal, machinery, equipment and telephone communications too harbor an increased risk. Teachers, welders, solderers and those belonging to the printing and publishing too belonged to the high- risk category.
The risks were decided by the duration of employment; there was variation in the histological type too.
Here is a list of occupations exhibiting a greater risk of NHL. They are-
- Â Chemists
- Â Workers in chemical factories
- Â Rubber workers
- Â Farmers
- Â Livestock breeders
- Â Dry cleaners
- Â Metal workers
- Â Embalmers
- Â Funeral directors
- Â Workers in petroleum refinery
- Â Printing workers, those expose to ethylene oxide, Beauticians/cosmetologists
- Â Workers who deal with wood and those who are exposed to certain chemicals like ammonia, benzene and ethylene oxide