
Symptoms & Signs of Febrile Fits

Symptoms & Signs of Febrile Fits

Febrile fits occurs with the child initially running a temperature followed by the him staring ahead and then going stiff for a few minutes before losing consciousness. The child then develops seizures as convulsions occur. After a couple of minutes he regains consciousness. Initially disoriented and confused, the child subsequently becomes normal. Usually the entire episode last for 5 to 15 minutes.

Based on the symptoms, the two types of febrile convulsions can be differentiated.

In simple, benign febrile fits.

  • The episode of convulsions last for less than 10 minutes.
  • Nature of convulsions is generalized in that the entire body goes into spasm or becomes stiff.
  • The episode occurs within 24 hours of onset of fever.
  • After the episode of fits subside, the child is normal and suffers no after effects.

In atypical febrile fits.

  • The episode of convulsions lasts for more than 15 minutes.
  • Nature of convulsions is focal i.e., involves one portion of the body.
  • The episode occurs 24 hours after the onset of fever and the child may show signs of organic damage of the brain.
