
Brompheniramine - Indications, Dosage, Side Effects and Precautions


Information about Brompheniramine

Generic Name : Brompheniramine
Up-to-date prescription details regarding Brompheniramine are provided here.

Pronunciation : brome fen ir' a meen

Learn the correct pronunciation of the Brompheniramine, understand it's uses, recommended dosages, its indications, how to take, when to take, when not to take, side effects, special precautions, warnings and its and its storage instructions.
You will also find a list of the medication's International and Indian brand or trade names, as well as its pricing information. For verification of the information presented on this page or for additional clarifications, it's advisable to consult your doctor.

ICD Code : Y43.0 Therapeutic Classification : Antihistamines

Trade Names/Brand Names of Brompheniramine

International :

Brovex, Dimetane, Bromax

Why is Brompheniramine Prescribed? (Indications)

This medication is an antihistamine agent, prescribed for respiratory allergies, common cold, itching, hives (urticaria) and other allergic reactions. The medication works by inhibiting the effect of histamines in the body and thereby reducing the symptoms caused due to allergic reactions.

When should Brompheniramine not be taken? (Contraindications)

It should not be administered in newborns, patients with increased eye pressure, peptic ulcer, asthma, respiratory diseases, urinary problem, MAOI therapy; hypersensitivity.

What is the dosage of Brompheniramine?

PO: The recommended dose is 1 or 2 tablets (12mg) every 12-hour.

How should Brompheniramine be taken?

It is available in various forms like tablet, capsule and liquid to take by mouth, with or without food. It also comes in combination with other cough and cold medications.

What are the warnings and precautions for Brompheniramine?

• Caution should be exercised in patients with asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or other breathing problems, hypertension, increased eye pressure, ulcers, prostate enlargement, heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, or an overactive thyroid gland, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

• It may cause dizziness or drowsiness, do not drive a car or operate machinery while taking this medication.

What are the side effects of Brompheniramine?

Most Common- Drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, dryness of mouth, nose, and throat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache and chest congestion.
Serious- Vision problems and difficulty in urinating.

What are the other precautions for Brompheniramine?

Avoid alcohol consumption while taking this medication.

What are the storage conditions for Brompheniramine?

Store it at room temperature, and in an airtight container.