

Reiki is omnipresent, universal life force energy. It controls depression and helps to develop positive thinking.
Holistic healing is a unique treatment method, which envelops several treatment modalities that are traditionally employed to manage a health condition; it also serves as complementary therapy to conventional medicine.

Holistic healing comprises of Reiki, Pranic healing, Meditation, Yoga, chanting of Mantras, Vedic chanting, Sound and Color healing, Magnetotherapy, Nature cure and many more.

During these days of stress and tension, many prefer to seek help from one of the holistic healing methods listed above, because these methods are harmless and devoid of side effects. Besides, they are complementary to all recognized fields of medicine.

Holistic healing methods are employed for quick healing and confidence- building measure. At the time of crisis, people tend to trust someone or some power which is super human. Reiki being a ‘Divine Power’, works wonders.

Reiki is considered as a very effective healing method for almost all diseases connected with the mind, body and spirit. It is abundant energy,drawn from the cosmos,which bestows ample power on the seeker.

It is important to seek and invoke Reiki to receive the energy through your palms. Any layman can practice it with ease. There are no restrictions on time, religion, language, place or hygiene.However, a serene atmosphere will help to attain the goal faster.

This method is useful to both the young and the old, because it does not need special time and energy for practice. While traveling, cycling, jogging, sleeping or even bathing, we can invoke Reiki and the energy will pass through us.

However, one needs to get attuned to Reiki, by an efficient Master, through effective Reiki practice. All that one needs to do is seek help and it arrives!

Reiki Healing through Hands or Laying of Palms

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It looks wonderful to know Reiki- Holistic Healing compliment all other medical science and can be practiced with out any restriction like caste, creed or religion. I would like to learn this for the good of the mankind.

Thanks to medindia to provide this information through web.

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