Levels of high-density lipoprotein increased 235 and an increase in 125 was seen in the ability of HDL to remove cholesterol from artery walls

‘Weight loss surgery reduced a measure of how easily HDL generates oxidants or free radicals, which can trigger unwanted inflammation’

Also, an increase in 12 percent was seen in the ability of HDL to remove cholesterol from artery walls to be sent to the liver and ultimately get flushed out from the body. 

"We already knew that weight loss surgery improves weight and cholesterol numbers. This new research shows that there are actually changes in the way HDL functions in adolescents, which may lead to a reduction in long-term cardiovascular risk," said lead author Amy S. Shah, pediatric endocrinologist and assistant professor at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital in Ohio, the US.
Further, there was a decrease of 30 percent in HDL oxidation potential -- a measure of how easily HDL generates oxidants or free radicals, which can trigger unwanted inflammation.
In addition, HDL became more anti-inflammatory, with a 25 percent decrease on the HDL inflammatory index.
In the study, ten severely obese teenage boys, underwent vertical sleeve gastrectomy -- a type of weight loss surgery that reduces the size of the stomach.
"Despite remaining obese, these young men showed improved metabolic health measured by HDL function after surgery," Shah noted.