New study sheds light on behavioral and physiological effects that occur in people when they eat food infused with marijuana.

‘Understanding the health effects of eating marijuana edibles is essential, given the growing popularity of that method of consumption in states where marijuana has been legalized.
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Researchers at IUPUI and Indiana University Bloomington said they found the mice were less active, and their body temperatures were lower, after consuming the edible THC. Read More..

The researchers also noted that the effects of edible THC varied based on the subject's sex, said Michael Smoker, first author of the paper and an addiction neuroscience Ph.D. candidate in the lab of Professor Stephen Boehm in the psychology department at IUPUI. The addiction neuroscience graduate program is a Purdue University program at IUPUI.
The study showed that mice would self-administer or voluntarily choose to consume behavioral-effective doses of edible THC, and do so repeatedly, Smoker said. The mice were given gradually increasing doses in a dough made from flour, sugar, salt, glycerol, and THC.
Understanding the health effects of eating marijuana edibles is important, given the growing popularity of that method of consumption in states where marijuana has been legalized, Smoker said.
"People can buy cookies, candies, and all sorts of things with THC in them. Back in the day, you had to make your own brownies or something like that, and now they are becoming more widely available and increasing in popularity," he said.
Questions researchers want to answer include the impact of edibles on people's ability to think, whether there are any long-term consequences for someone who has been eating edibles repeatedly and then stops, and what the consequences are, if any, of a child, accidentally eating a marijuana edible, Smoker said.
Mice have been used in studies previously to study the effects of marijuana, but figuring out a way for them to self-administer the drug, as humans do, has been notoriously difficult, Smoker said.