Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the internet for self-diagnosis and prescription is doing more harm than good to human life.

‘Say ‘no’ to Self-medication:
Consulting Dr. Internet, not a physician, is the most dangerous trend. #selfmedication #selfdiagnosis ’

Consulting Dr. Internet, not a physician, is the most dangerous trend. #selfmedication #selfdiagnosis ’

Googling Your Prescriptions is Not Safe for Health
According to them, the Internet has emerged as a primary source of health information, fuelling a rise in unsupervised self-medication practices. AI has introduced a new facet to this trend, which poses significant risks to human life. Engaging in such unchecked behavior presents grave threats and may result in fatal consequences if incorrect medications are consumed due to misjudgement (1✔ ✔Trusted SourceUse of internet for practice of self-medication: We are heading toward an era of internet pharmacy
Go to source).
Dangers of Self-Medication
Potential dangers of self-medication (2✔ ✔Trusted SourceDangers of Self-Medication
Go to source) include inaccurate self-diagnosis and the misuse of medications, leading to potentially hazardous drug interactions or incorrect dosages, they said. AI works based on data input, and in healthcare data has to be accurate to the last decimal to ensure perfect diagnosis of the ailment to provide best medication or treatment. Hundred percent accuracy is certainly not possible when it comes to providing data by non-healthcare practitioners.
The Internet, especially AI, is developed and dominated by the western world, especially the US. Basic information available on AI platforms could be those associated with the geography and demography of the West. “Such information may or may not be suitable to people in India , because the information available will only be to the closest and not the most accurate (3✔ ✔Trusted Source
Artificial intelligence and internet influence on drug utilization: Exploring self-medication trends in South Indian pharmacy students
Go to source),” said Dr. Gayatri Kamineni, COO, Kamineni Hospitals.
“Dosages matter to ensure best treatment for any ailment, and if that input is wrongly provided, the result could be disastrous, even leading to fatalities in certain cases. The Internet in general and AI in particular must be seen as a support function and not as a judgment to trust blindly,” she said.
Dr. B. Kishore Reddy, Chief Ortho Oncologist and Managing Director, Amor Hospital believes that when someone takes medication without consulting a doctor or medical professional, he might be choosing the wrong drug. “Additionally, self-medication increases your risk of taking an incorrect dose or using drugs for longer than necessary. And if you take a substance for a prolonged period, your body may become dependent and need this substance to continue functioning correctly.”
“Misusing or overusing medication can also increase the risk of severe medical complications, causing harmful symptoms, including nausea, convulsions and even death.”
- Use of internet for practice of self-medication: We are heading toward an era of internet pharmacy - (
- Dangers of Self-Medication - (
- Artificial intelligence and internet influence on drug utilization: Exploring self-medication trends in South Indian pharmacy students - (