In the United States, Starbucks has announced that it will introduce a university education aid plan for its employees in a reflection of the skyrocketing cost of higher education.

Nearly 70 percent of Starbucks US employees are college students or young people who want to go to college.
It said that nearly half of Americans who begin college these days will not finish, largely because of high costs and difficulties in juggling jobs with the rest of their lives.
"Supporting our partners? ambitions is the very best investment Starbucks can make," the company said on its website.
The cost of higher education is a red-hot topic today in America.
Universities have become so expensive -- tens of thousands of dollars per year is a common figure even at non-elite schools -- that students take out loans to get degrees and are saddled with huge debts they carry with them for years.
Employees who join the program in their third or fourth year as per ASU's admission requirements will earn full tuition reimbursement for each year of coursework they complete toward an undergraduate degree, Starbucks said.