The neurons in the nose and brain is driven by genetics and is modified by exposure to different environment suggesting that both play a role in each individual's a unique sense of smell.

‘Different individuals, even if genetically similar, have completely different sense of smell because the olfactory system adapts to the environment, leading to more cells capable of detecting different scents.’

To investigate the sense of smell the researchers used laboratory mice as a model, comparing the olfactory neurons from genetically identical animals that grew up in different environments. They also compared animals that grew up in the same environment but were genetically different.

The team used RNA sequencing to see which receptor genes were active. The researchers found that genetics controlled which receptors were present in the mice. Crucially however, they found that the environment that the individual had lived in had a significant effect on the number of cells able to identify each smell.
Professor Fabio Papes, an author on the paper from the University of Campinas in Brazil, said: "It became clear that the role of genes, especially those that encode olfactory receptors in the genome, is very important in the construction of nasal tissue, but there was a very remarkable contribution of the environment, something that has not been previously described to this extent. We found the cellular and molecular construction of the olfactory tissue at a given moment is prepared not only by the organism's genes but also by its life history."
Olfactory neurons are formed throughout an individual's lifetime, and the study showed the olfactory system adapted to the environment, leading to more cells capable of detecting scents to which there has been greater exposure. As a consequence, different individuals, even if genetically similar, may have completely different olfactory abilities. This could contribute to the individuality of the sense of smell, even in humans.
The knowledge that an individual's history can affect the structure of olfactory tissue neurons may have implications for personalized medicine as different people's sense organs could be constructed differently and respond in different ways. Studying olfactory neurons can also provide information about how the neurons in the brain are organized and function.