Researchers have claimed that everything you think you know about the causes of rising obesity in the U.S. might be wrong.

The new analysis appears in CA: Cancer Journal for Clinicians.
Obesity rates in the U.S. have been going up for decades, said University of Illinois professor >Ruopeng An, who conducted the new analysis with Roland Sturm, of the RAND Corp. in Santa Monica, California.
"Many factors have been suggested as causes," the researchers wrote. Snack food, fast food, automobile use, time spent viewing television or looking at computer screens, the ubiquity of vending machines, suburban sprawl, increasing portion sizes, female labor force participation, poverty, affluence, supermarket availability and even the absence of supermarkets are blamed, the researchers said.
"As it turns out, some widely held beliefs about societal trends are unambiguously false; others require some qualifications," they wrote.
Geography and the existence of so-called "food deserts" (neighborhoods or regions with limited access to affordable, healthy food) appear to have little bearing on the obesity trend in general, although they may be linked to differences between groups at any given point in time, An said.