Patients with severe depression may not benefit from psychotherapy, and those who got additional psychotherapy tended to be younger and more often employed.

‘Additional psychotherapy did not lead to better treatment outcomes in patients with severe depression.
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Rates of clinical depression have doubled in the last 30 years with the WHO estimating that around 322 million people suffer worldwide. This is roughly equivalent to the total populations of Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and the UK combined.Read More..

Around a third of severe depression, sufferers don’t respond well to therapy; they are ‘treatment resistant’, meaning that clinicians need to look for ways to improve current treatments.
The study performed on European patients with major depression treated under real-world conditions has found that around one in three patients treated with antidepressant medication also receive psychotherapy – non-pharmacological treatment, where patients discuss their condition with a qualified doctor or therapist.
Around three-fourth the number of these patients treated with both, antidepressant medication and psychotherapy, underwent Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Clinicians from the European Group for the Study of Resistant Depression based in Austria, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Greece, France, Israel, and Switzerland, studied the effects of combined treatment in 1279 severely depressed adult patients.
They also experienced an earlier onset of severe depression, more migraines, and asthma, and received lower daily doses of antidepressants than those treated exclusively with antidepressants.
Researchers found that the use of additional psychotherapy did not lead to better treatment outcomes.
Lead researcher, Prof. Siegfried Kasper MD said:
“There are two main points that come out of our work. Firstly, if you have been treated with antidepressants, additional psychotherapy does not seem to give you better treatment outcomes, even though it may improve your subjective well-being.
The second point is that those patients suffering from severe depression and receiving additional psychotherapy had more favorable socio-demographic and clinical characteristics than those who didn’t receive additional psychotherapy.
Our data shows that additional psychotherapy tends to be given to more highly-educated and healthier patients, which may reflect the greater availability of psychotherapy to more socially and economically advantaged patients.”
Presenting the work at the European Congress of Psychiatry, researcher Dr. Lucie Bartova said:
“Taking these results, and existing clinical guidelines, into account, we would recommend that clinicians and patients follow the recommended treatment paths to ensure the best care for them. If people have any doubts about the treatment they should see their psychiatrist to agree on how to move forward.”
In the follow-up work, 292 depressed patients receiving Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which is the recommended psychotherapeutic strategy in severe depression, were compared to 107 patients treated with other psychotherapeutic techniques such as psychoanalytic psychotherapy or systemic psychotherapy. The researchers found that there was no difference in treatment outcome.
Commenting, Dr. Livia De Picker said:
“Despite clinical guidelines and studies which advocate for psychotherapy and combining psychotherapy with antidepressants, this study shows that in real life no added value can be demonstrated for psychotherapy in those already treated with antidepressants for severe depression.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that psychotherapy is not useful, but it is a clear sign that the way we are currently managing these depressed patients with psychotherapy is not effective and needs critical evaluation.”