A British psychologist has stated that mothers have a lower status in society than street sweepers, making them feel unvalued.

His comments echoed the results of a survey of 5,000 users of Netmums, the parenting website, which found that women with less money find bringing up babies less satisfying than richer ones.
About three-quarters of mothers on low incomes worried about money more than lack of sleep or their children's behaviour.
"That poorer mothers do not derive as much joy from having a baby as wealthier parents may be a matter of practicalities. It helps a great deal in enjoying babies if you can afford a cleaner, washing machine and nanny," the Telegraph quoted Dr James, as saying in response to the Netmums poll.
"Low income, relatively uneducated mothers are also less likely to look on their employment as a career and more as a job, for earning money and social contact.
"They may be happier giving it up and place higher hopes on the role of mother. Unfortunately, this has a lower status than that of street sweeper, so they feel unvalued.
Siobhan Freegard, co-founder of Netmums, added: "The findings underscore how important it is that parents, and particularly those from lower income groups, get the support they need."