Women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have increased levels of androgens even during pregnancy, which increases the risk of autism in children.

‘Five to 15 percent of women of child-bearing age are affected by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), making it one of the most common endocrine disorders.’

The new study is the first report that demonstrates a link between maternal polycystic ovarian syndrome, and autism spectrum disorders, in children. ASD represent a range of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by impairments in language and social interaction, as well as stereotypic, repetitive behaviors. The underlying causes are not entirely clear, but there are several lines of evidence that indicate that exposure to certain sex hormones early in life may play a role in the development of ASD. These sex hormones, known as androgens, are responsible for development of male-typical characteristics. 

Androgens also affect the development of the brain and central nervous system. Since women with PCOS have increased levels of androgens even during pregnancy, the investigators hypothesized that the disorder might affect the risk of ASD in the children.
The researchers used the extensive nationwide Swedish health and population register databases and studied all children aged 4-17 who were born in Sweden from 1984 to 2007. The researchers used an anonymized dataset where all personal identifiers had been removed. They identified around 24 000 ASD cases and compared them to 200 000 controls.
"We found that a maternal diagnosis of PCOS increased the risk of ASD in the offspring by 59 percent", says Kyriaki Kosidou, lead researcher on the study, at the Department of Public Health Sciences. "The risk was further increased among mothers with both PCOS and obesity, a condition common to PCOS that is related to more severely increased androgens."
ASD are about four times more common in boys than girls, but there were no observed differences in risk between boys and girls in the study. The mechanisms that explain the association between maternal PCOS and ASD in the children were not explored in this epidemiological study. In addition to increased exposure to maternal androgens, other possibilities are that shared genetic influences between the two conditions, or other metabolic problems common to PCOS, might partly explain the relationship. Further studies are necessary to explore and replicate the finding.