Sacks, who was the author of famous book called “Awakenings”was suffering from terminal liver cancer and also struggled with drug abuse and acute shyness.

He was suffering from terminal liver cancer and also at times he struggled with drug abuse and acute shyness. He also suffered from prosopagnosia, a disorder that leaves victims unable to recognize faces.
He was born in London and then he moved to United States during his childhood. He was a professor at the New York University School of Medicine. He worked on some patients affected with encephalitis lethargica. They had been left untreated for decades, where Sacks administered an experimental psychoactive drug known as L-dopa to them. The drug turned out to be a failure as it resulted in development of seizures or maniac behavior in the administered patients.
Sacks wrote about the patients in the 1973 book "Awakenings," which led to the 1990 Oscar-nominated movie of the same name, starring Robin Williams as a character based on Sacks and Robert de Niro as one of his patients. His autobiography, "On the Move: A Life," was released in May 2015.