
Molecule Present in Milk and Beer may Fight Flab

by Kathy Jones on Jun 8 2012 8:12 PM

 Molecule Present in Milk and Beer may Fight Flab
A team of Swiss researchers have discovered a new molecule present in milk and beer that can play a vital role in preventing obesity.
Researchers at Polytechnic School in Lausanne found that nicotinamide riboside (NR), also dubbed “miracle molecule”, helped a group of laboratory mice gain as much as 60 percent less weight compared to other mice who were on the same diet but without NR.

The researchers added that NR also reduced the risk of diabetes and improved the endurance of the mice.

“It really appears that cells use what they need when they need it, and the rest is set aside without being transformed into any kind of deleterious form”, lead researcher Carles Canto said though he was quick to add that more study is needed to determine how much amount of NR is necessary to have a noticeable impact in humans.

