
Keto Diet Could Decrease Alzheimer's Disease Risk

by Iswarya on Sep 22 2020 1:21 PM

Keto Diet Could Decrease Alzheimer
Eating healthy, low-calorie food may help fight the fungi in the gut and thus decrease dementia risk among senior citizens, doctors stated, citing a new study done in the US that revealed that the diet has a direct link to Alzheimer's disease.
The Alzheimer's Association informed that mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is witnessed among at least 15-20 percent of people aged over 65 years, which affects the ability to think and lead to Alzheimer's disease.

The new study suggests that a ketogenic diet alters the bacterial communities in the human gut and helps decrease biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease among those suffering from MCI.

"In our conservative society, dementia often affects social and family relations, including loss of employment, reduction in work hours, relationships ending, and even the need to relocate or modify living arrangements arises. Possible solutions to counter this problem are being investigated for decades, and this new study provides a glimpse of hope," stated Dr. Simanchal Mishra, Senior Consultant Neuro Physician, Medicover Hospitals.

"While quitting smoking and alcohol, exercising for at least 150 minutes a week, and eating a healthy diet, are suggested to prevent Alzheimer's disease, the new research unveils that lower calories food forces a human body to save energy, and this leads to decline in body temperature, and this too helps in preventing dementia. Additionally, reading, writing, learning new languages or musical instruments, maintaining an active social life are highly advised to ensure Alzheimer's is kept at bay," he said.

Cutting down on calorie-rich food is surely a great way to stay happy and remember everything until the end of life.

