A new study shows that eating fish provides omega-3 fatty acids, which could in turn, boost working memory in young adults.

Project investigator and professor of neuroscience, Bita Moghaddam noted that consuming these foods gives a good boost to the memory power of the individuals within that particular population, irrespective of whether they already excel in their fields.
The Project:
This project, in an attempt to demonstrate the efficiency of omega-3 fatty acids in boosting memory power, was conducted in a group of men and women between the ages 18 and 25 years, from different ethnicities, who were provided regular supplements of omega-3 fatty acids. This was carried out for a duration of 6 months, where the patients were closely monitored by means of phone calls or by outpatient procedures.
Prior to the supplementation, the subjects underwent positron emission tomography (PET) scanning and had their blood samples analyzed. Following this, a working memory test had to be performed which included a simple n-back test. Post the 6-month long omega-3 supplementation with a formulation approved by the FDA, the outpatient procedures were conducted again. The blood samples and the working memory test finally revealed better cognitive function post supplementation.
The exact mechanism of how omega-3 affects working memory could not be elucidated through this study. Further studies in animals could possibly establish the mechanism of the improved working memory caused by omega-3 fatty acids.