Recent research has revealed that a key component in cruciferous vegetables known as sulforaphane can help reduce cancer risk.

Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage are a group of vegetables that are rich in minerals, fiber, vitamins and disease-fighting phytochemicals. These veggies have, for long, been known for their cancer-fighting properties. Earlier studies have revealed that the key component in these vegetables, known as sulforaphane, acts as a HDAC inhibitor (an anti-cancer agent) and triggers the production of enzymes that detoxify carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) before they can damage the body’s cells.
Recent studies have shown that sulforaphane also helps to maintain the growth and proliferation of cancer cells through a process called DNA “methylation”. DNA methylation is a process by which certain parts of the genes get “turned off”, thereby controlling genetic communication within the cell. Unfortunately, this process gets impaired in those suffering from cancer. Through this study it appears that DNA methylation and HDAC inhibitors work in tandem to maintain proper cell function.
Eating vegetables can, generally, help to reduce the risk of diseases as it aids in maintaining the cells from going wrong.
There are several studies that have revealed the positive impact of green, leafy and cruciferous vegetables on several types of cancers, such as those of the colorectal and the breast.
Minimal cooking is recommended while cooking vegetables, as lots of vitamins particularly Vitamin C and folate can be destroyed during cooking.
It’s not just green veggies that can fight diseases. Ginger has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, while garlic can help alleviate heart-related conditions. Curcumin in turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. There are several more among nature’s bounty that can help man to live healthy—if only he cares to look!