Like your skin your hair too needs some extra tender care and love in the winter season. Hair care expert suggests it's wise to focus on keeping your roots clean and choosing the right products.

Here are some suggestions:
- Take extra care of your roots: Avoid putting products like conditioner, wax or gel directly onto the roots of your hair. This will clog the pores and hair follicles, making it difficult for hair to grow as it normally would.
- Choose products wisely: In winter, go for a gentle shampoo to keep some moisture intact in your hair. Use a deeper conditioner to protect the hair and prevent damage from extreme weather or central heating.
- Indulge in protein-rich diet: Embark on a protein high diet that can keep hair shiny and strong. Eat meat, fish and eggs.
- Go natural: Several women wish to avoid frizzy hair in the winter months, and they prefer to dry their hair before venturing out in to the cold. Try to keep the use of straighteners and hair driers to a minimum, as intense heat can be bad for hair.
- No heat please: A hot water bath can bring much relief in the winter, but this can be detrimental to your hair. Always wash your hair with lukewarm or cool water, rather than very hot water.
- Keep calm: Don't let the stress of the festive season get to you. Sustained periods of stress can lead to a change in hormonal balances, which can pave the way for hair thinning or patterned baldness.