H5N1 bird flu affects poultry, dairy herds, and humans in North America, with concerns over genetic shifts and global responses to prevent a pandemic.

H5 Bird Flu: Current Situation
Go to source). Over 1,200 commercial and backyard poultry farms and hobbyist bird flocks have also been affected. At least two adults in the Midwestern state of Missouri, one child in California, and another in British Columbia in Canada have been infected by an unidentified source.
‘H5N1 doesn’t spread between people but can transmit from animals to humans. #influenza #virus #pandemic #medindia

H5N1 Risks from Pigs and Milk
Some governments have bought the vaccine stocks as a precautionary measure in response to the circulating virus. It is reported that H5N1 has also been detected in a pig in the northwestern state of Oregon and raw cow’s milk in California. Over 60 people working near the infected cattle and poultry were also infected.No human-to-human transmission case has been recorded. A single genetic change to the circulating H5N1 had made the transmission from mammals to humans. Infected pigs are more concerned as they are the mixing vessels for influenza virus outbreaks.
Influenza can exchange genetic information inside mammals and a dangerous pathogen could develop. Genetic shifts in the virus may make it easier to spread to humans.
Global H5N1 Response and Rising Threats
Other nations are increasing surveillance and precautionary measures. The UK government this week ordered five million doses of an H5 influenza vaccine. In November, one case of H5N1 was confirmed at a poultry farm in Cornwall, in the south-west of England.A pandemic was declared due to H1N1 influenza in 2009, though its impact didn’t match that of COVID-19. It is important to get ready with preventive measures for H5N1. There is also a rise in Ebola and other filovirus.
- H5 Bird Flu: Current Situation - (https://www.cdc.gov/bird-flu/situation-summary/index.html)