Drinking a liter of silicon-rich mineral water may help reduce the aluminum levels and prevent cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer's.

High concentrations of the neurotoxin have been found in "plaques" in Alzheimer's patients' brains.
Now, researchers at Keele University have found that silicon-rich water "significantly reduced" levels of the neurotoxin in the body of victims.
Patients in the study drank a liter of mineral water a day for 13 weeks.
One patient saw the amount of aluminum in their body drop by 70 per cent.
Most showed no further signs of cognitive decline and three showed a major improvement.
"There were two parts to our research. The first is that drinking silicon water does remove aluminum from the body. When you drink silicon-rich mineral water, aluminum throughout the body is gathered up into the blood and excreted through the urine," the Daily Express quoted him as saying.
"It is highly unlikely to see changes over such a short period so the fact we saw changes in cognitive ability was quite a surprise.
"We saw improvement in some cases, cognitive function remained the same in others and it did decrease in others," he added.
The stuffy has been published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.