A recent study examines the prevalence of malaria, sexually transmitted infections among pregnant women in Sub-Saharan Africa.

R. Matthew Chico, M.P.H., of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, and colleagues conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to provide estimates for the dual prevalence of STIs/RTIs and malaria in pregnancy among women in sub-Saharan Africa. The researchers conducted a search for studies reporting malaria, syphilis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, or bacterial vaginosis among pregnant women attending antenatal care facilities in sub-Saharan Africa. A total of 171 studies, which were conducted from 1990-2011, were identified that met inclusion criteria.
The studies included 340,904 women. The researchers found that the pooled prevalence estimates among studies in East and Southern Africa were: syphilis, 4.5 percent (n = 8,346 positive diagnoses), N gonorrhoeae, 3.7 percent (n = 626), C trachomatis, 6.9 percent (n = 350), T vaginalis, 29.1 percent (n = 5,502), bacterial vaginosis, 50.8 percent (n = 4,280), peripheral malaria, 32.0 percent (n = 11,688), and placental malaria, 25.8 percent (n = 1,388).
"West and Central Africa prevalence estimates were as follows: syphilis, 3.5 percent (n = 851), N gonorrhoeae, 2.7 percent (n = 73), C trachomatis, 6.1 percent (n = 357), T vaginalis, 17.8 percent (n = 822), bacterial vaginosis, 37.6 percent (n = 1,208), peripheral malaria, 38.2 percent (n = 12,242), and placental malaria, 39.9 percent (n = 4,658)," the authors write.
"The dual prevalence of malaria and STIs/RTIs is evident among pregnant women who attend antenatal facilities in sub-Saharan Africa. As malaria control and elimination efforts are brought to scale, the relative contribution of STIs/RTIs to adverse birth outcomes most likely will increase proportionately. Coinfection prevalence estimates for malaria and STIs/RTIs need to be established and routinely reported. Rigorous studies using molecular diagnostic methods are needed to characterize more accurately the prevalence of these infections and their clinical consequences. Clinical trials are needed to compare birth outcomes, operational feasibility/acceptability, and cost-effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy (IPTp) with azithromycin-based combination therapy against an approach of integrated screening and treatment for malaria and STIs/RTIs," the researchers conclude.