
Bulgaria Govt Bans Crisps, Soft Drinks from Schools

by VR Sreeraman on Aug 21 2009 5:56 PM

The Bulgarian government on Thursday banned potato crisps, soft drinks, instant soups and high sugar-content cakes from school canteens to fight obesity.

The regulations will come into effect when the new school year starts on September 15, the health ministry said in a statement.

Ministry expert Masha Gavrailova recommended that schools start offering healthier foods such as mineral water, fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas, wholegrain bread and pasta, fish and lean meat.

A 2008 study on Bulgarian first-grade children showed that 30 percent were overweight and 13 percent obese, the ministry said.

Compared to a 2004 study, obesity rates among children had more than doubled, it added, highlighting the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.

