
Brit School Kids Debate Rape, Pornography and Prostitution

by VR Sreeraman on May 25 2010 7:29 AM

British schoolchildren as young as 11 are being asked to debate myths surrounding rape, like women ask for it by wearing short skirts .

 Brit School Kids Debate Rape, Pornography and Prostitution
British schoolchildren as young as 11 are being asked to debate myths surrounding rape, like "women ask for it by wearing short skirts".
Teaching material is being distributed by a charity to secondary schools as part of a campaign to end violence against women. The pack, which schools can buy for 100 pounds, covers subjects such as domestic violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriages, prostitution and human trafficking.

Rape Crisis said the lessons were intended to encourage mixed classes of boys and girls to discuss issues surrounding rape.

In one class, pupils are asked to debate claims that "women enjoy rape", while another lesson instructs children to discuss the myth that "women ask for it by wearing short skirts, drinking alcohol etc".

Youngsters are also encouraged to act out a role-play, including four-letter words, where a boy and girl recall a drunken encounter.

Resources have been produced by the charity's Wycombe, Chiltern and South Buckinghamshire branch for use in secondary schools.

Laura Colclough, the author, said teachers were expected to use their discretion over what was taught.

"It's not from an angle of supporting sexualisation or pornography but examining the link between those things and sexual violence," the Telegraph quoted her as saying.

"Gone are the days when young people are not sexualised. Most if not all see the music videos, they see the culture, they surf the Internet," she added.

But campaigners suggested that the lessons were "too explicit for schools".

"It is irresponsible because it is certainly not suitable for young children and probably not for older children either," Nick Seaton, of the Campaign for Real Education, said.

"Just because these things happen does not mean that children need to have them rammed in their faces.

"Sensible parents will be extremely perturbed that their children are being introduced to this sort of information at a young age," he stated.












