Bile acids from the gut may help fight cocaine cravings. Targeting bile acid signaling in the brain may be a novel way to tackle cocaine abuse.

‘Bile acids that aid fat digestion can reduce the desire for cocaine. Targeting bile acid signaling in the brain may be a new way to treat cocaine abuse.’

The findings suggest that targeting bile acid signaling in the brain may be a novel way to treat cocaine abuse.

Vanderbilt investigators Charles (Robb) Flynn, Ph.D., associate professor of Surgery, and Naji Abumrad, MD, John L. Sawyers Professor of Surgical Sciences, have long studied the metabolic changes associated with bariatric surgery for weight loss. Surgical patients experience dramatic changes in glucose regulation and in taste preferences and food cravings while they are still in the recovery room, Flynn said.
"These surgeries are doing something more than we understand. We wondered if elevated serum bile acids, a hallmark of bariatric surgery, were affecting the reward centers of the brain to blunt the pleasure of eating high-fat foods," he said.
If the surgery did affect the brain's reward centers, he added, "how might it impact the rewarding properties of drugs of abuse?"
The most commonly performed bariatric surgery -- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass -- restricts the size of the stomach and alters the path of food through the digestive tract. It also changes the point where bile acids enter the small intestine, from the usual upper part of the small intestine to a site near the end. The change increases circulating levels of bile acids in the body.
With colleague Aurelio Galli, Ph.D., a former Vanderbilt faculty member who is now at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the investigators found that bile diversion surgery in normal-weight mice reduced cocaine-induced increases in brain dopamine release and reduced cocaine-associated behaviors.
The investigators further demonstrated that the bile acid receptor TGR5 mediates the effects of elevated bile acids and OCA in the nucleus accumbens, a brain region that plays a central role in reward circuitry.
The study is the first to demonstrate a central nervous system role for bile acids in altering reward-related behaviors, and it opens the possibility of treating drug abuse in new ways.
"Will bile acids cure cocaine addiction in humans? We don't know, but our research certainly suggests that bariatric surgery or consumption of bile acids may have beneficial effects," Flynn said.
"OCA is already clinically approved, so it might be possible to move quickly to clinical trials of its efficacy in treating addiction."