Q: Who will give chemotherapy treatment?
A: An oncologist is the doctor who will administer the treatment.
Q: Is chemotherapy compulsory while treating cancer?
A: No it is not. It depends on the type and stage of the cancer. In some cases there may be a wait-and-watch policy; in others it is given to cure the disease or to prevent its recurrence.
Q: Do side effects occur in all patients?
A: They occur in the vast majority of the patients but can be controlled using medicines.
Q: How will I be feeling during treatment?
A: You are likely to feel tired but this will stop after a while and you will be able to lead a normal life. However this largely depends on the individuals being treated.
Q: How will I know if the drugs are effective?
A: Physical examination and tests will be carried out to assess the level of progress made. This again, differs with individuals.