
Dyscalculia / Learning Disabilities - Mathematics - Helping Children with Dyscalculia

Helping children with dyscalculia

How do you help your child with dyscalculia?

Children with dyscalculia avoid doing mathematic based tasks - they rarely ask for help. Parents need to take the initiative to make sure that their children are learning in the classroom.

A mother of a young girl in America took a tape recorder into the maths class so that she could take the recorded lessons home and go over them again at her child's pace. She also talked with her daughter's teachers and asked what they could do together to give this child the assistance she obviously needed. Unfortunately, many teachers are likely to respond with disbelief that the child has any disorder. While they may see that the child has a fear of learning mathematics, they are not ready to accept that the child has a learning disability. But fear - or misbehavior - is a common reaction in children with learning disabilities. When they know that they cannot do something every one else finds effortless, the fight or flight response is very strong.

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