Q: Which doctors treat squamous cell cancer of the skin?
A: Squamous cell cancer is usually diagnosed and may be treated by a dermatologist. A surgeon may also be involved in the treatment if surgical excision is needed.
Q: Are there any signs to indicate that a skin lesion is turning cancerous?
A: A skin lesion that changes its appearance rapidly may indicate the presence of cancer. It may grow in size, change its shape and /or color and may bleed or itch. It any of these features are observed, it is better to visit your doctor and get a biopsy done if necessary.
Q: Which sunscreens are useful in the prevention of squamous cell cancers?
A: Sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or more are recommended for the prevention of squamous cell cancer of the skin. SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, indicates the effectiveness of the sunscreen – higher the number, better is the protection.
Q: Are Indians also affected by squamous cell cancer?
A: Though squamous cell cancer usually affects white-skinned individuals, it does affect Indians and other Asians as well. Though the exact incidence is not known, it appears to be the most common skin cancer affecting Indians.