Q: Which doctor should I consult for Lynch syndrome?
A: If you are concerned about your risk of colon cancer, you should consult your oncologist or a genetic counselor.
Q: Is genetic testing for Lynch syndrome covered by insurance?
A: This varies from company to company. Some insurance companies in India do cover genetic tests. If you are hoping to use your medical insurance for genetic testing, check with your insurance company prior to having the test done.
Q: How much does it cost for the Lynch syndrome blood test?
A: Genetic testing for Lynch syndrome for the first person in the family costs between twenty to thirty thousand rupees. Once the family specific mutation is identified, it costs approximately seven thousand rupees to test each family member.
Q: Can Lynch syndrome skip a generation?
A: A mutation in an MMR gene cannot skip a generation. Not all people who have the mutation will develop cancer. Therefore, the clinical features of the syndrome can skip a generation but the mutation is passed on from one generation to the other without skipping a generation.
Q: At what age should I start screening for colon cancer?
A: If you are diagnosed with Lynch syndrome, you can start screening for colon cancer from 20 years of age. This can vary depending on your family history.