
Pulmonologist | Pulmonology Doctors in India

Medindia's Healthcare Directory has information on 1118 Pulmonologists from India. Pulmonology is a branch of medicine that specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. These diseases include asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.

The information displayed here is to help you locate Pulmonologists nearest to where you live. Contact details like address, phone numbers, emails, contact person and directions to the hospital or clinic are included. Addressing privacy issues, certain information is made available only if you are a patient of the doctor or seek an appointment with them. If you are not listed as a registered Pulmonologists on Medindia's list, please register to get on the list.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A branch of medicine that specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory system. These diseases include asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, and pneumonia.

Pulmonary diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. It is also referred to as lung disorders or respiratory diseases.

A pulmonologist is a doctor who specializes in lung conditions. A pulmonologist diagnoses and treats diseases of the respiratory system.

A pulmonologist uses procedures such as spirometry, bloodwork, chest X-rays, CT scans, bronchoscopies and sleep studies to diagnose chronic lung disease.

You should consult with a pulmonologist if you have difficulty breathing, a chronic cough that doesn’t go away, blood or mucus that comes up when you cough, smoking habit, unexplained weight loss, or trouble exercising due to breathing problems.

You can find the best pulmonologists near you by using the "Search pulmonologist by pincode" or "Search pulmonologist by city" feature provided by Medindia. Medindia has a repository of premium Pulmonology doctors who have subscribed to its virtual clinic for tele-consultations or physical consults. These are all verified doctors and are available with their contact number, address, location, education, experience, language known, available time for appointments, their total years of experience and many more details.

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