
Pediatrician | Paediatrics Doctors in India

Medindia's Healthcare Directory has information on 15023 Pediatrician from across India. A pediatrician is a doctor who takes care of children. They help with general health needs, including check-ups, vaccinations, and treating common illnesses.

The information displayed here is to help you locate Pediatrician nearest to you. Contact details like address, phone numbers, emails, contact person, and directions to the hospital or clinic are included.

If you are not listed as a registered as Pediatrician on Medindia's list, please register to get on the list.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A paediatrician is a physician who specializes in taking care of the health of children. They focus on providing medical care for babies, children and teenagers. They are trained to treat a wide range of issues that may affect children, from minor illnesses to more serious conditions.

Paediatricians are physicians who can treat children from birth up to 18 years old. Children under the age of 2 usually see a paediatrician once a year, while those aged 2-5 see their paediatrician annually. After the age of 5, annual visits become more common.

Paediatricians also ensure well-being of the child through routine examinations. They also handle conditions that affect newborn children.A paediatrician is trained to perform procedures like vaccine administration, give intravenous injections, to a lumbar puncture or perform biopsy if required.

A paediatric surgeon will perform surgical procedures unlike the paediatrician (child physician) who normally examines, order investigations and treats children by medication

  • Adolescent medicine specialists
  • Child abuse pediatricians
  • Critical care pediatricians
  • Developmental behavioral pediatricians
  • Neonatal-perinatal pediatricians
  • Paediatric cardiologists
  • Paediatric endocrinologists
  • Paediatric gastroenterologists
  • Paediatric nephrologists
  • Paediatric neurologists
  • Paediatric oncologists
  • Paediatric pulmonologists
  • Paediatric rheumatologists

You can find the best pediatricians near you by using the "Search pediatrician by pincode" or "Search pediatrician by city" feature provided by Medindia. Medindia has a repository of premium Pediatrics doctors who have subscribed to its virtual clinic for tele-consultations or physical consults. These are all verified doctors and are available with their contact number, address, location, education, experience, language known, available time for appointments, their total years of experience and many more details.

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