How Walking Helps You Stay Healthy & Fit?

How Walking Helps You Stay Healthy & Fit?

by Hemalatha Manikandan on Oct 17 2023 4:17 PM
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  • Walking has an impressive list of benefits with minimal risks for all age groups
  • Walking speeds up fat burning and prevents chronic diseases
  • Outdoor walking enhances both physical and mental well-being
Walking for pleasure or as exercise has immense health benefits with minimal risks. It does not require any special equipment or skill sets. Walking is a very convenient way to stay active, regardless of whether you select a quiet trail in the woods, a bustling route on city streets, a treadmill workout, or a few laps around your office building (1 Trusted Source
How many steps/day are enough? for adults

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Yes, walking workouts can provide many of the same advantages as running does for people of all ages and fitness levels, from beginners to top athletes.


How Does Walking Help in Losing Body Fat?

  • Sets your Calories on Fire:

    Walking is a low-impact workout that can help you burn calories and reduce weight. Weight, pace, and the surface you're walking on are a few of the variables that affect how many calories you burn while walking (2 Trusted Source
    Daily step goal of 10,000 steps: a literature review

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  • Boosts Metabolism:

    Walking can help you burn more calories by speeding up your metabolism, which is the rate at which your body burns calories. Thus, even after you stop walking, your body will continue to burn calories more quickly than it would if you were simply sitting down
  • Reduces Body Fat:

    By burning calories and building muscle, walking can help reduce body fat. Your body burns more calories when at rest when you have increased muscle mass, which can aid in weight loss and body fat reduction
  • Enhances Cardiovascular Health:

    Walking is a cardiovascular exercise that can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, enhance heart health, and lower the risk of heart disease
  • Reduces Stress:

    Walking can assist in reducing stress, which is crucial because stress can drive individuals to overeat and gain weight. Walking causes your body to release endorphins, which can elevate your mood and mitigate stress and anxiety. Additionally, it can increase confidence and give a sense of accomplishment
Overall, walking is an easy and efficient technique to reduce fat and enhance your health.


What Other Health Advantages Can Walking Offer?

Walking is an easy, low-impact activity that has many positive health effects. The following are a few of the main health advantages of walking:
  • Mitigates the Risk of Chronic Diseases:

    Walking can help lower the chance of developing chronic conditions, including diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer
  • Enhances Joint Health:

    By alleviating stiffness and enhancing flexibility, walking can enhance joint health. It can also assist in lowering the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and other joint-related diseases
  • Enhances Cognitive Performance:

    By improving blood flow to the brain and lowering the risk of cognitive decline, walking can help enhance cognitive performance
  • Boosts Energy:

    Walking can improve energy levels by boosting blood circulation and oxygen delivery throughout the body


What Health Advantages Do Outdoor Walking Offer?

Nature-based outdoor walking can have a variety of positive effects on one's physical and mental health. Aim to get outside into nature regularly, whether it’s for a walk in the park or a hike in the mountains.

The following are some of the major health advantages of spending time in nature:
  • Reduces Stress:

    Spending time outdoors can help lower stress and anxiety levels. Cortisol, the hormone linked to stress, has been proven to be reduced by exposure to natural environments
  • Enhances Mood:

    Spending time in nature can enhance happiness and emotions of well-being. Spending time in green areas has been linked to fewer depressive symptoms, according to studies
  • Immune System Booster:

    Exposure to natural environments can aid in immune system boosting. This is attributed to the advantages of phytoncides, which are organic compounds generated by plants and trees
  • Increases Physical Activity:

    Spending time in nature outdoors can boost physical activity levels, which has a number of health advantages, including lowering the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease
  • Improves Sleep:

    Spending time in nature can enhance both the quality and amount of sleep. The body's normal sleep-wake cycle can be regulated by exposure to natural light and clean air
Walking is a fantastic form of exercise that has many positive health effects. To reap such benefits, aim for at least 30 minutes of daily, moderate-intensity walking.

“Let's walk for better health.”

  1. How many steps/day are enough? for adults - (
  2. Daily step goal of 10,000 steps: a literature review - (

