Palliative and hospice care center plays a role in overcoming the untold miseries of patients with terminal illness and help them handle the fear of death with less pain.

The theme of the World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2015 is “Hidden Lives, Hidden Patients” and will focus on the patients living in unique conditions that often struggle with access to palliative care including children, LGBT individuals, HIV, prisoners and those affected by war and natural disasters.
The representatives of the Sneha Sandhya Age Care Foundation have turned the spotlight on those suffering from life-threatening illness and shared the means to provide psychological and emotional support to them.
“Most patients suffering from life-threatening disease feel dejected for a variety of reasons. Palliative and hospice care center plays a role in overcoming their untold miseries and help them handle the fear of death with less pain. It includes addressing their psychological and spiritual needs,” said Dr Raju, managing trustee of the foundation.
“Family members, care takers, and doctors play an imperative role in easing the pain among patients,” said Dr Raju.
“In a majority of cases, failure to identify the needs and indifference shown towards the patient by the family members are some of the primary disturbing factors,” he explains.
“Out of 10 1akh deaths, six lakh need palliative care and only 3 percent have access to the facility. Palliative care unit should be integrated into the health care system,” said the foundation’s chairmen T.V.S. Rao and Ch. Venkata Rao.