American Society of Nephrology (ASN) has issued top five recommendations for a campaign to help health care professionals and patients avoid wasteful and sometimes harmful medical interventions.

In their CJASN article, Amy Williams, MD (Mayo Clinic) and her colleagues reveal how ASN identified its five recommendations and describe the background evidence supporting them. Each of the ASN''s 10 Advisory Groups submitted recommendations, and the ASN Quality and Patient Safety Task Force, chaired by Dr. Williams, selected five based on relevance and importance to individuals with kidney disease. The ASN public policy board and council unanimously approved the final list, which includes the following:
1. Do not perform routine cancer screening for dialysis patients with limited life expectancies without signs or symptoms;
2. Do not administer erythropoiesis stimulating agents-drugs that are commonly used to treat anemia-to chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients with hemoglobin levels ≥10 g/dL without symptoms of anemia;
3. Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in individuals with hypertension, heart failure, or CKD;
4. Do not place peripherally inserted central catheters-which allows access to the blood for prolonged treatments such as long chemotherapy regimens and extended antibiotic therapy- in stage 3-5 CKD patients without consulting a kidney specialist;
5. Do not initiate long-term dialysis without ensuring a shared decision-making process between patients, their families, and their physicians.
"The goals of the Choosing Wisely campaign are aligned with the ASN''s goals: to deliver safe evidence-based individualized care to all patients with kidney disease. By improving the value of the care we deliver to people with kidney disease, we will improve outcomes and decrease unnecessary healthcare costs and potentially decrease harm," said Williams.
Study co-authors include Amy Dwyer, MD (University of Louisville); Allison Eddy, MD (British Columbia Children''s Hospital); Jeffrey Fink, MD (University of Maryland); Bertrand Jaber, MD (St. Elizabeth''s Medical Center); Stuart Linas, MD (University of Colorado); Beckie Michael, DO (Marlton Nephrology and Hypertension); Ann O''Hare, MD (VA Puget Sound Health Care); Heidi Schaefer, MD (Vanderbilt University); Rachel Shaffer (American Society of Nephrology); Howard Trachtman, MD (NYU Langone Medical Center); Daniel Weiner, MD (Tufts Medical Center); and Ronald Falk, MD (UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine).