New research says that you are more likely to be angry if you are left-handed.

So perhaps it is the result of dealing with such adversity that they are angrier than the average person, according to researchers.
The new study, led by Ruth Propper, a psychology professor at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, found that among lefties, the two hemispheres of the brain communicate more with each other so have more interaction with the parts, which produce negative emotions.
Everything from can openers to garden tools to knives and scissors tends to be designed without taking left-handed people into consideration, reports the Daily Mail.
Many generations of left-handed schoolchildren were forced to write with their right hand.
They have endured centuries of stigma that says being left-handed is evil or bad luck.
The new study found that the halves of the brain in those who are lefties or ambidextrous are more interlinked.
The study has been published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.